The Indie Dev's Guide to Assembling the Perfect Press Kit

A press kit is a vital part of every game’s marketing strategy and acts as an invaluable resource for the media, influencers, and even fans to learn about your game and gather immediately accessible information to help in its promotion. The more accessible, clear and comprehensive your press kit, the easier it will be for outlets to share your game and for the audience in turn to discover it. 

Here are several things you need to include in your press kit and their purposes:

Request a key/join mailing list button

This helps to facilitate the press, influencers, and content creators in requesting a game key or staying updated via the mailing list when the time comes. You can provide a visible, easy-to-find button or link on your press kit page. It should lead to a form where users can provide their contact information, request a key, or subscribe to updates. Remember to ask for necessary details like names, emails, publication/channel, and any other relevant information, in case you need it in the future.

Dropbox/Google Drive link for your assets

Having an organized place to store your promotional materials can provide easy access for the press and influencers/content creators. Include a link to a shared folder containing high-quality assets such as game screenshots, gameplay videos, logos, and other materials. Make sure that the folder is well-organized with clear filenames and subfolders to make it easier for them to find what they’re looking for!

Short & long descriptions of your game

You can give a concise and detailed overview of your game, from a brief, engaging summary (1-2 sentences) that captures the essence of your game, and a more detailed paragraph or two that provides in-depth information about the game’s story, setting, and unique selling points.

Gameplay description

To help pique more interest in your game, you can describe the core gameplay mechanics, controls, objectives, and any innovative features. You can also include information on game modes, levels, progression systems, player interactions, or even the game engine.

Key features reviews/initial quotes from preview

Highlighting the key features of the game immediately communicates what the game is to people. Formatted in a bullet point list, this can include things like unique gameplay mechanics, graphics, multiplayer options, customization, and more. This can also include a highlight of reviews from the media or influencers about your game.

Game trailer

After you’ve already made an official trailer or two, you can embed or link it in your press kit. You can also include a downloadable version in your asset folder.


Game screenshots are crucial as people can use them as visual previews and content for the media. Make sure to use high-quality resolution, provide several different key art, as well as a sneak peek of the gameplay screenshot. Make sure to focus on the depth of the gameplay, don’t just show the same setting or interaction again and again. 

Various logos/icons (game, studio, etc)

This is important as it provides your studio/game’s branding on social media, articles, and reviews. You can include different versions and sizes of your game and studio logos, and any other relevant icons. Usually, PNG or vector files are the most used since they have transparent backgrounds. 

Studio description

Similar to number 3, the studio description provides background information on the developers. Some common information to put are the studio’s history, mission, previous projects, team, and achievements. This helps establish your studio’s credibility and identity.

Team overview/credits

Aside from studio background, it’s advised to put an overview of the key team members making your game. You can put their roles and any notable contributions. Other than that, add a full credit list if available.

Social media channels

Remember to put all your game’s (or studio’s, if you don’t have one) social media channels in your press kit! It’s important to keep potential players, influencers, and the press updated about your game. 

Key top-level information

Add a concise list of the game’s title, genre, platforms, release date, price, developer, publisher, or any other critical information that can be found easily in your press kit!

Of course, the more complete the contents and assets you provide, the better. The trailer, screenshots and key art are immediately important elements used by influencers and press. A short and long description will be quotable and used in communications by the press, it also helps guide them on what the game is and how to describe it–it’s an opportunity to get your marketing buzzwords out there and shared by a wider community. Key features and bullets set immediate expectations and communicate what the product is in a short and accessible format. Take a look at one of our previous clients, Ghost on the Shore by likeCharlie as an example of an easily accessible and clear format for your press kit.

There have been efforts in standardizing press kits across the industry that can be accessed for free, such as presskit() made by Rami Ismail, or PressKitty, made by Ashley Gwinnell at The former might be quite challenging since it requires some knowledge in coding. The latter simply requires you to insert your game’s Steam page so that it can generate your press kit for you. PressKitty is an excellent option for indie studios because it is highly accessible for any game that already has a Steam page, and it doesn’t really require manpower to use it, as you don’t necessarily need a marketing person for it. To utilize it to its full potential, make sure that your game’s Steam page is fully prepared and up-to-date, as it automatically converts the game’s information into a press kit.

One thing you need to remember is that when the game assets are updated during the development, or if there’s any changes in the gameplay or similar, make sure to also update your press kit assets! Keeping your press kit updated ensures that the media and potential players always have the most accurate and up-to-date information about your game, which helps maintain interest and avoids any confusion or misinformation. Consistently updated press kits can also make a stronger impression on journalists and influencers, increasing the likelihood of positive coverage and reviews!

If you’re still unsure of what you should put in your press kit, feel free to contact us!