All Steam Ahead For HypeTrain Digital!

We’re pleased to announce that our friends at HypeTrain Digital will be joining the Acorn client family from this week!

Focusing on strategic publishing, comprehensive support and crowdfunding, HypeTrain’s offerings are always highly anticipated. Their reputation as a nurturing and thoughtful publisher has led to successful games such as Breathedge, Stoneshard, SuchArt, and many more with various genre variations.

HypeTrain’s latest offering, Nova Lands went into Early Access in June 2023, following closely on the coattails of Voidtrain, back in May.

Acorn is excited to be firing up the engine and rolling the train into motion over on TikTok, primarily with a focus on Voidtrain. An action adventure survival, the game puts you in the shoes of an engineer on an interdimensional train, discovering mysterious creatures, solving puzzles and crafting powerful weapons. In 2020, Voidtrain won the Most Original Game award at Gamescom.