game launch

Managing a Profitable Business Within Gaming

Managing a Profitable Business Within Gaming

Gaming in 2023 is a hugely popular form of fun and relaxation, established from humble beginnings with titles like “Tennis for Two” in 1958, evolving through into arcade titles such as “Tetris” in 1985. In the modern era, games have bridged the gap from pure entertainment into something even more valuable

#Halloweendies 2022

#Halloweendies 2022

The evenings are darker, the air more sinister and a low fog has descended across the fractured landscape of the indie gaming world. What better opportunity to venture into the basement, dust off the toolbox and highlight our favourite indies by means of a freaky flashlight under the chin.

Supersize Indies: The Biggest Indies of the Generation.

Supersize Indies: The Biggest Indies of the Generation.

Recent years have been a very successful for indie games. Many of the titles on this list didn’t just exceed expectations—they defined whole genres and left a lasting mark.

Behind every successful indie game is a story about a clear vision, hard work, and persistence. Here’s what we can learn from the most successful indie games of the generation.