
Managing a Profitable Business Within Gaming

Managing a Profitable Business Within Gaming

Gaming in 2023 is a hugely popular form of fun and relaxation, established from humble beginnings with titles like “Tennis for Two” in 1958, evolving through into arcade titles such as “Tetris” in 1985. In the modern era, games have bridged the gap from pure entertainment into something even more valuable

Year in Review - What is Your Game of the Year?

Year in Review - What is Your Game of the Year?

Another year of gaming is coming to a close—and what a year it has been! Naturally, our thoughts turn to some of the greatest gaming experiences over the last 12 months, and we begin to ask ourselves, what could be our game of the year? Here are some of the games that captured our attention and kept us coming back for more.

Level Up! Gaming in 2022 and Beyond

Level Up! Gaming in 2022 and Beyond

2020 was a crazy year, but it was particularly interesting for gaming. The industry was already growing quickly, and with lockdowns all around the globe, it’s no surprise people spent more time and money on their consoles and PCs. A rise of $13.6 billion to its value, the launch of two new flagship consoles and a captive playerbase, stuck at home. How did all these developments influence the gaming world? What’s the current state of the market, and what will the future bring?