
When Should I Post to Social Media? - 2022 Guide.

When Should I Post to Social Media? - 2022 Guide.

Scheduling social media content is tricky. Each audience is unique and with variations in timezones and audience behaviours, it’s hard to know when to send out your best posts. Nobody wants to work for hours on a beautiful piece of artwork or an incredible video, only for it to be ignored. Of course, social algorithms come into play when determining the ‘affinity’ between your account and its followers (maybe we’ll share some more on this, some time soon!), but getting the timing right can make the world of difference.

Meet the Team - Timezones and Team Play

Meet the Team - Timezones and Team Play

What would you say if I told you Acorn was built from the foundations of a father & son shaving company? “My background has always been in marketing, and I got my big break at 19 working in SEO for the local bed company!” laughs George, owner and Social Media Strategist here at Acorn. “Years later, my dad and I set up a men's shaving/grooming company, but you'd probably not think it, to look at me!” He’s a modest chap, with a passion for helping people and solving problems. And he’s taken that mantra (plus an extra decade of gaming industry knowledge) to create and build Acorn into what it is today.