social content

International Teams: Understanding People, Distance & Time

International Teams: Understanding People, Distance & Time

Having an International team in a company is commonplace in the post-covid era, with terms such as Work From Home (WFH) and Work From Anywhere (WFA) gaining popularity in recent years. Within this new landscape, people are looking at new opportunities to develop their personal goals. But with new opportunities, come new challenges.

Social Revolution - Changes Across Twitter and Instagram in 2023

Social Revolution - Changes Across Twitter and Instagram in 2023

Twitter and Instagram are always in a state of upheaval. Successful strategies from twelve months ago no longer provide the same results and game developers are left guessing at what changes to make in order to reach their audience. Social measurement and analytics are a key part of Acorn Games’ social strategy and these changes have provided interesting clues as to the future of the platforms.

When Should I Post to Social Media? - 2022 Guide.

When Should I Post to Social Media? - 2022 Guide.

Scheduling social media content is tricky. Each audience is unique and with variations in timezones and audience behaviours, it’s hard to know when to send out your best posts. Nobody wants to work for hours on a beautiful piece of artwork or an incredible video, only for it to be ignored. Of course, social algorithms come into play when determining the ‘affinity’ between your account and its followers (maybe we’ll share some more on this, some time soon!), but getting the timing right can make the world of difference.